Ict Solutions

PRESCIENCE SERVICE SUPPORT PVT.LTD.Co. is a company engaged in ICT system Integration  and ICT goods supply in Ethiopia.

Associated with many ICT goods manufacturing firms worldwide, we focus on designing the most effective technical solutions for the user’s needs and then successfully integrate those solutions into a single center of control under the respective architectural environment.

Solar Solutions

  • An important benefit of solar lighting initiative is to take advantage of environmentally friendly technology by opting for renewable energy. PSSP makes use of the most modern solar-lighting technology available, and all of solar lights have zero emissions and no waste outputs. What is more, running costs are zero and maintenance is minimal. Solar-energy technology is also very versatile and can be scaled up and leveraged for application in other areas such as providing local power supplies.

solar Solutions

Garden Lights: It is suitable for Universities, Hospitals, large compounds,etc..

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Coming soon


Our Partners are very well-known in the globe. HUAWEI Technologies Co.Ltd, Bright Solar, Hikvision, Nutanix, Dell, and HP are some of our leading partners who have helped us in achieving our target.